Saturday, September 5, 2015

Did you ever find a perfect instrument? What journey did you take? What instrument did you decide on?

Heyyy !!! Today's post is about ..... MUSIC !!! But what about music ?? There's so many topics !! Well for now let's talk about instruments! My dad, he loves music!! His desire has always been for me to learn an instrument. When I was around 5 years old,  he bought me this little guitar. I started learning a few things but it didn't really interest me ( I still have that tiny guitar til this day). So I stopped trying to learn. After that, I tried playing the piano. I learned some stuff but didn't really put a lot of effort into it. I never really quit the piano like I did the guitar, I just learned the surface of playing it. Then came the recorder ( it's required to be learned in the elementary school I went to ). I was pretty fun learning the notes of the treble cleft with my class and scary playing in front of everyone! Next came the drums.... my dad sold them like 2 months after ! My dad decided to give up on me after that ( this was 5th grade ). But the thing is, he never really asked me if I wanted to learn those instruments - he just gave them to me and told me to play. So there I am in 5th grade sitting with my friends in the gym waiting for some people to come in and talk about the music programs at  Sweetwater.  I was thinking that it was going to be boring and that it wouldn't interest me. But when the orchestra instructor, Ms. Sahora, starts talking, something sparks in me. The desire to play a stringed instrument. I new what the violin sounded like and that everyone was going to want to play it. But I wanted an instrument that was unique, an instrument that wasn't to high pitched or to low. And there blossomed the desire to play the viola. When I told my dad, he gladly signed me up. Middle school started and I began to learn the alto cleft, the cleft that only the violas play. While I continued to learn during the year, I feel in love with the instrument. Now I don't know what I would have done if didn't discover the viola. The viola has been a huge deal for me. It's a grand part of my life. I wouldn't give it up for the world !!! I feel so free when I play the viola!! I feel a rush that nothing else gives me! An energy that I can't get anywhere else! The viola is just incredible. So this is pretty much the journey I took to find the perfect instrument. Comment down below your journey and what instrument was YOUR perfect discovery or if your still trying to decide! Well this is it for now!! Baiii !!! <3

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What types of books are you interested in? Any series?

      Are you interested in mystery or action books? What about romance?  My preferred type of book would be full of action, romance, drama, - a book that keeps me flipping the pages. So far my favorite series is the Divergent  Series by Veronica Roth .  Its just packed with surprising events and love. Its a series that I can connect to. When I read the series , I related to the characters so well. I felt the book wasn't like anything else I've read.  I also loved The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.  It was full of romance and heart-breaking moments that kept me up til 1 in the morning reading.  Right now I'm reading the book I Was Here by Gayle Forman. So far its about a tragic lose to family and friends because a girl killed her self by drinking a industrial cleaning product . So the best friend goes and investigates. Pretty interesting. So comment down below what your favorite type of books are and what books you really like.